
" You don't need to rush. Just drive properly. They are not running away." Samuel said nonchalantly.

" Yes, sir!" The driver shouted in a frightened voice.

" Don't call me sir. But you should take my lesson seriously; after everything is over, return home and apologize to your old man. Also, don't bother your sister too much, understand?"

" Yes, si-.. yes." After witnessing what he did, Raul became a yes-man.

" But will you be fine? I mean, there will be even more people there-"

" Don't worry about it. Just be ready to drive back; I don't want others to miss the show."

" Yes."




It was only peaceful for a couple of hours before Samuel returned. The only thing that was different was that he had even more blood stains on his clothes.

He walked to the back of the car to open the trunk. Looking at the thing he took out of the vehicle terrified everyone.


"Hey, what is that?"