
" It's probably fake or a close replica. Even if these large diamonds were to be real, it would set the price close to a million pounds, not to mention these red rubies. I don't even want to guess how much this full set would set one back." Bella had a keen eye.

Samuel wasn't aware that the old man George pulled out the big guns because of his request. He only told them to send the accessories that would fit the overall look of the dresses that he chose. Since his own these was light, he wanted to get her light dresses too so the jewellery had to be bright too to fit the whole theme.

He would never expect George would bring out on of his prize possession, 'Burmese Ruby Necklace' that he had stashed away for special occasion. It was estimated to have a price tag of whopping six million dollars which was now in the hands of two girls fighting on the topic of it being real or not!