Nicole's dilemma

" Come on. Sit. Tell me what's troubling you." He led her to the side and made her sit down. From her damp hair, he knew she just took a shower and probably wanted to change into normal clothes. Since she would be accompanying him, her maid's clothes would be too eye catching.

Before that, he went to the coms and asked the captain to circle in the air for about an hour. It was Nicole's first time flying so she didn't know how fast his modified Airbus was. The normal flight from London to Paris too two hours but his took less than one.

There was someone from Delphina's team waiting for him at the airport but he was helpless. Not to mention he already told Kayla and Mayra that he was coming. Fortunately, he never specified any time so they shouldn't be coming to pick him up. Beside they knew that he was coming over for business, it just happen to coincide with when Elise was throwing a fit to see him.