Relaxing Bath?-3*

" Artificial intelligence? Maybe it's too early."


" A new structure for data storage? Maybe a innovative cloud computing?"


" There is also the issue of establishing connections with those blood sucking weapon dealer."


" Can you stop that!? Are you tired?" Samuel looked down from his work between his legs.

After the bath, he thought it was best to jot down his ideas on paper and pass it on to Linh's group. There were few novel ideas which could be turned into something marvellous. What he needed was a controlled environment and a airtight security to hide away his invention from any interested party.

It would provide him with immense source of wealth which could help his mega humanitarian mission, no, it would be more like a global conquest. He thought about it and knew that such a task would be the biggest clandestine operation in human history.


" I said-"