Face-to-Face again

While his team were escaping in the shroud of darkness. Samuel was already done with his mission bringing the person in question to a location that no one would be able to find.

Samuel really went all out with this one, even if he left him here Samuel was sure no one in the hundred year would be able to find him, it was that hidden.

" Wake up, your highness there is a lot we need to talk about." Samuel slapped Clark.

He was very delicate with him because not wanting to inflict any damage that could be seen through naked eyes.

Unlike the 'specialist' that talked about how to torture and break people he was fully versed in the art. People say there are people in the world who wouldn't break under no circumstances or they would die for their cause before saying anything that could jeopardize the security of their brothers in arms but Samuel knew all of these people didn't know what the true pain was.