The Lie Detector
“Did I buy that?” The newspaper folded down in front of his face as Thorin peeked around it when Imara came through the kitchen door.
With her brows knitted together as she peeked down over herself, she shrugged her shoulders. “Well, of course you did. I’m not allowed to go out anywhere on my own. What’s wrong with it?”
His eyes moved down to her feet and up again while his nose wrinkled. “Well, to be honest, it’s a bit skimpy.”
The chair screeched across the old floor when she pulled it out and flopped down. “Hell’s bells, Thorin. Would you like me to go put on my full bustle and winter coat?”
Today’s paper doubled over before he slapped it on the table and slid his finger through the handle of his coffee cup. “This little get-up wouldn’t have anything to do with that strapping young farmer coming over today, would it?”