The Safe House
The bed dipped down as Haldir shoved his knee into it and lowered Tessa on the clean white sheet. He tugged the blue fleece blanket to her chin, and his beard brushed his shoulder as he looked back at Teddy. “Can you see her yet?”
The crushing sensation began in his head and rushed through his body as Teddy’s mind was sucked into a dark room.
On the edge of the cliff she liked to teeter on, Tessa stared over the side as she swung back and forth and hummed out a song he couldn’t place. His two fingers snapped before her face. “Are you coming out, Tess?”
A gasp of air broke Teddy from his trance when she didn’t answer, and his head swayed no. “She’s back now, but she isn’t ready to talk yet.” His back jerked as he huffed out his mouth when he chuckled at how silly she could be. “You’re not going to believe this shit, but she’s in there dancing.”