Chapter 87

  The Invitation

  With his arm turned over, Haldir checked his cuff link as Teddy played with his hair in the mirror. “Jesus, will you go tell your sister to hurry up? We’re going to be late.”

  “Yeah, I’m on it.” His handmade leather shoes slid across the marble floor as he passed through the home. And when he got to her door, his knuckled beat on the frame. “We’re waiting on you.”

  While she moved her hands down the waist of her black silk dress, Tessa turned to the side to check herself one more time in the full-length mirror. “Yes, I’m aware, but something that looks this amazing is worth a few extra minutes, don’t you think?”

  While he wagged his head, he motioned with his hand for her to follow him. “Come on, Sugar. You look wonderful; those fools will fall all over themselves to kiss your ass tonight.”

  A pale hand reached out to her when she left her room, and Haldir’s hand covered his chest. “You’re a vision as always.”