Chapter 83



  “That’s the difference between you and Gary.”

  I sneered a mock. “I’m sure we have nothing in common. But what exactly did you notice?”

  “I ordered pasta, and you want to have the same.”

  “I would never forbid you to eat anything you want as long as it won’t poison you.”

  “But you only had hookups with sexiest women.”

  Okay, I knew where it was going. “When you don’t have to make an effort, Adley. Media people set that standard as sexy and beautiful. I don’t. Honestly, I find you more attractive and gorgeous. You don’t have to impress me. I already am.”

  She slightly gaped at what I had said. I couldn’t read her expression exactly, but I wanted her to believe in everything I said because it was true.

  “To be honest, the first time I saw in you was your pretty ass.”

  “So, it’s really my ass on the line here. Literally.”