On my last visit to my OB, she prescribed something for my morning sickness. I was also now on prenatal vitamins.?
My baby was healthy. My little peanut had grown so fast. I felt like I had not been able to breathe freely until my OB announced my baby had ten fingers and ten toes.?
I knew this trip would be a little bumpier than the last one—this time, I had to protect this little human inside me. I also had to keep my hormones at bay and ensure I would not throw up in front of Mykel.?
“Baby, breathe.” Mykel looked me in the eye as he held my hand tight. “You’re gonna be fine, just like the last time.”
“Yeah. I know.” I nodded.?We’re gonna be okay.?“I’d rather sleep the entire trip.”
“Of course.” He smiled. “Thank you for doing this.”
“The least that I could do.” I closed my eyes. The last time I remembered was Mykel whispering sweet words into my ear while he brushed my hair with his fingers.