
  "Luca!" she screamed as the guards restrained her. She was more beautiful than I remember. Her curves were more defined. Her hair had grown some and slightly grazed her hips. I wanted her. I wanted her badly. "Release her," I said in my alpha tone. They immediately let her go and she ran to me.

  She jumped into my arms and wrapped her legs around me. I was stunned but I decided to take advantage of the situation. Any excuse to touch her.

  I gripped hips and inhaled her scent as she clinged to me just living in the moment. I knew it couldn't last so I enjoyed it while I could. After a few minutes reality started to sink in and I reluctantly tore her off of me.

  "Pardon my French sweetheart, but what the hell are you doing here?" I asked her.

  "I wanted to see you. I had to warn you," she said, not taking her eyes off of me. It didn't escape my notice she was ogling me.