
  Everything felt strange as I passed into the afterlife. White light surrounded me and there was complete silence. I walked hoping to find Maxine. Instead a beautiful woman with long black flowing hair walked toward me. I instantly recognized her as the woman in the photos that stood out so clearly, she was my mother.


  She nodded her head eagerly before embracing me.

  "My baby," she said softly through her tears.

  "You're all grown up, and so handsome. I'm so proud of you Luca," she said standing back to look at me.

  "As am I," said a man's voice. He walked up to me and my mom with a smirk on his face that looked identical to mine. There was no mistaking who he was, my dad.


  "In the flesh, well so to speak."

  He embraced me as well.

  "You've made me proud son. You've become stronger than I could have hoped for. We've been watching you every step of the way. You are a great leader with a bright future."