He carried me to the bed where my clothes were already laid out. I felt better now but my legs were still a little stiff.

  "Turn around," I told him, keeping the towel wrapped around me. I didn't want him getting any ideas and I knew I wouldn't stop him if he got started.

  "Really Maxi? You've got to be kidding me."

  He gave me one of those looks that said I've seen it all and it's mine.

  "No I'm not. If it were up to you we would never leave this room so yes I'm serious."

  "Fine, I'll go order us some food since we missed breakfast."

  "Okay," I agreed, thinking I had won.

  "But before I do," he said, walking over to me.

  "This body is mine and I'll look at it when I want," he said, ripping the towel away. His eyes roamed my body and he growled before he flipped me and gave my bottom a smack.

  "That's for trying to cover up."

  I felt myself get moist again, damn him. He just laughed and kissed my neck before he left to order the food.