Ashley's POV

  Neither of us said a word as we got off the plane. We had finally landed after hours of flying and me being bored to death. I decided to break the silence between us and find out where we were. I knew we we're in another country, miles away from Luca and the trouble I had caused but I didn't know where.

  "Dreydon where are we?" I asked wanting him to say something, anything since he hadn't spoken a word since before we left. We had gone at it like wild animals and even I had to admit it was the best sex of my life, but now he wouldn't even speak to me and it was starting to get on my nerves.

  "We're in Spain" he said emotionless. I rolled my eyes even though I knew I couldn't blame him for the way he was acting. I wasn't exacly mate of the year but I wasn't about to pretend like I cared. If he didn't want to talk I was fine with that. He may have taken me with him and basically saved me since I'm sure I committed treason but I didn't owe him anything.