
  "Looking for me?" a deep voice said. I felt chills and knew it had to be him.

  "Maybe. And if i was?"

  "Then you found me. So what do you want? Your 'mate' to busy for you or did you just miss me?" I rolled my eyes irritated. Did he have to be such and ass? Albeit a fine one.

  "Can we go somewhere and talk? It's kind of important."

  His expression changed to one of concern and then anger which I didn't understand.

  "My room. Upstairs. Now."

  I followed him silently not knowing what to expect.

  We got on the elevator and went down a few hallways before he took out his key card and scanned it opening the door to his room.

  He held the door open and I walked in. He closed it and turned to me. His arms were crossed and he was staring like he was searching for something. I had to admit I was a little intimidated.