CHAPTER 18 - Drunk Aayana

  Aayana's pov -

  Ira is not taking a rest at all; the whole day she is doing something or something. She is also doing office work. It's already 7 pm. We had lunch with the interior designer team. They are really sweet. My whole day was really busy. The design of this or that. So, I am really tired. Then I sit on the sofa and put my head on the back of the sofa. That time I felt someone is massaging my head and I know it's Ira. So I hold her hand and said,

  "You are working the whole day and now you are massaging my head !!"

  "You are looking so tired. Need coffee ??" She asked.

  "Badly...." I replied.

  "Wait for 2 minutes I am bringing for you." She said and left for the kitchen. She is really caring to me.

  After a few moments, she came. I asked,

  "Did you ready coffee before asking me?"

  "Yeap. Your eyes were showing tiredness. So, I made coffee. As I also needed." She replied.