6. Back Off!

I remembered what Erick said about leaving this house for a while. But it was getting dark soon, and I didn't know where to run. I thought about calling Emma and going back to my house in town, but I didn't even know what her condition was like this time. At least, I should have prepared everything three days in advance.

I went into my room after locking all the doors and windows in the house. Mickey also followed wherever I went. While in the room, I just peeked from the bedroom window, if possible that person would come back. I didn't even want to go down to the bathroom. Not knowing who that person was and what he wanted by coming to this house made me feel really frustrated.

So it was, when I was about to go to sleep, I peeked once more from my bedroom window which directly led to the courtyard, and I found someone pacing back and forth again in front of the gate of my house. He looked like the same person as the previous one. He lit a cigar. The dark condition made me unable to see his face clearly, only the coals of his cigar and the smoke emitted from the cigarette were visible.

I asked Mickey to be quiet, and then I crept up onto my bed. The knife that Shashin gave me accompanied me, as well as the sword and shield that Yon had given me as a gift. The tubby curled up beside me, while it was very difficult to close my eyes. I imagined him walking into my house, and I didn't want to say any bad things would happen next in my mind.

The night went by so slowly. Every time I got out of bed, I peeked through my bedroom window, and I always found the same thing; that person was still there. He paced around while smoking his cigar, sometimes I saw him playing with my neighbor's cat.

After watching him from the window and watching what he was doing, I would climb into bed again and hug my knees. 'I must not sleep!' that was all in my head. I had to keep waking up.

After the previous day, I barely slept. I woke up when the sunlight penetrated the gap in my bedroom window. It Turned out that I was lost and overpowered by my sleepiness. I almost forgot that fear when I found out I woke up late. I immediately went to work without breakfast and pedaled my bike like being chased by a tiger.

"Not to be late, not to be late," It was like a mantra I chanted all the way as my eyes darted through my watch again and again. It seemed, that my body had reached its limit last night that I didn't even notice I was asleep. I even woke up with my hands and hugged my knees without a blanket and a pillow.

I wanted to be able to cast spells and use a little magic when I realized that I had left my cell phone and my purse behind. At least, if I could do that, I would make those two things in front of me without having to go home. I was in such a hurry I didn't realize that the two important things I didn't carry with me. It was like half of my life left at home while I was at work. I couldn't buy lunch, and I was very hungry and didn't even have time to prepare lunch and breakfast this morning.

My mouth tasted bitter. I just only took water, and that didn't help at all. I left the room and chose to hide among the piles of books in the library. I hoped the letters and numbers would fill my stomach.

When it was time for teaching, I went back to the teacher's room before going to my class. When I got to my desk, I found two sandwiches and a box of milk. Puzzled, I looked around, and wanted to ask, but I didn't know what words to say and what language to use. The problem was, this food was on my table. I thought someone gave it to me, or maybe he just left it on the table. I hesitated to take it, so I just left it and headed to my class.

Around three o'clock, I finally finished my last class. The whole day without food was really hard. I felt like I could eat a wooden table's leg or my own shoes. My stomach felt very painful, and my mouth was bitter due to drinking only water. But, wait?! The bread and milk box were still on my table.

When I looked around, I saw that no one would claim the food was theirs. So I immediately sat down and ate the food. I assumed this was a bonus from today's bad things.

The bread and milk box reminded me of my time at the academy. Even though Nana used to bring me lunch, I always felt hungry. My little stomach was like a black hole that could swallow everything. Yes, I was a small child with a portion of a sumo wrestler. Strangely, I didn't know where all the food was gone. They seemed to just pass by in my body because I never gained weight.

I smiled happily on the way. Of all the bad things today, getting a free sandwich and milk box was the best, but my job wasn't done yet to be done. After work, I didn't go straight home. I had work to finish first, going to Summer's place.

As usual, Aras was already there, so I immediately sat beside him. Now, we were both looking at Summer, who was dancing very beautifully like a ballerina.

"She looks calmer every time you play that melody" Even without her beautiful body, seeing Summer dancing made me so amazed. From her body which was made of thick black smoke, I could see her other beauty.

"Is there anything you want to ask again to her?" Aras stopped playing the melody he was playing.

I looked at Aras with an uneasy look. "Yes. Sorry, I have to ask for your help again" I couldn't lie that yesterday I didn't get what I wanted.

I told Aras whatever I wanted to ask Summer, especially what the characteristics of the person who had incited her were. When the horned creature began to ask that question, the wandering spirit burst into laughter, the sound of laughter being so terrifying. She laughed until her neck bent back. I wondered what was so funny about this question.

Aras looked at me, confused, "Did I ask the right question?" He asked me, and I said yes. I had asked him to ask what kind of person had instigated Summer, and I was sure there wasn't any funny vocabulary.

"He's a person who will always be gentle with you. His smile is very sweet, and he is very kind. He'll make you able to trust him, even though you know what he said is wrong. There's always an apology for him even if you don't want to say it" Hearing her answer. I felt she was in love with that man.

"Are there any other features?" Honestly, the explanation didn't help me much.

"He is tall and always wears black. His body is like a thick liquid, with a large hole that almost fills his entire face and leaves only one mouth. He walks like a gust of spring wind and takes anyone near him," she explained.

Ares turned to me. "I suggest you don't have to look for it or find out any further," he warned me. "What you're looking for isn't a good thing."

I gave him a confused look, then asked, "Is there such a thing?" Honestly, I didn't understand the meaning of Aras' warning.

"Back off. This is very dangerous" Again, Aras warned me. "I would stop here too if I were you," He added.

I was still speechless when Aras said again, "Leave this spirit to me. Once she calms down enough, I'm sure this seal will weaken. It was made to heal the child, and when she is completely healed, Charon will take her right away. You don't have to think about it. Your task has been done!"

Aras told me that my task was done, but I still felt the contrary. With that person, it meant there was another Summer. I felt bad, somehow.

Aras' warnings kept ringing in my head. He said that I had to give up all this. I also felt it might be better to back off this time as well. However, several things made me think again to continue to find out who had made this wandering spirit commit murder as Summer did. Something inside me kept telling me not to give up, and I didn't want another Summer and things like this to happen again.