41. Black Footprints

My routine was again started this morning. I woke up the earliest to clean and mop the hall on the first floor of Alpha Camp. I knocked on the doors and woke the servants who were still sleeping, then swept their room. One servant I woke up first helped me collect the garbage and mop. "You are so thin, any problems?" She asked as she helped me.

"Nope," I replied nonchalantly.

"Back then, Hana would ask us to make cake for you." Right, Hana was always worried about my body weight. I was always thin, but she was too fussy and asked me to eat a lot so that I would gain more weight. "What do you like?"

I was distracted from my work. "What do you mean?"

"I will go shopping today, what would you like me to buy for you?" She smiled at me.

"Candy and sweets," I replied fast. I took it as a replacement for my sweets which were taken by Yoru at that time.