45. The Beginning of a Disaster

I don't understand why he always uses young men's bodies instead of old men of his age."

Mickey stayed quiet, then he continued, "Just follow me. Don't do anything. Keep that in mind!" he warned me. "What you will see isn't real. Just don't do anything or change anything in there. Just stay quiet and see. You got that?!"

"What do you mean?"

"Just follow my instructions!" he said firmly.

I didn't really understand what he meant. 'What to change? Why do I have to keep quiet?' I thought in confusion. But I just nodded and walked behind him, walking among yellow mustard flowers. The bright yellow around me and bright blue sky over me really made my mood on. Nothing was weird with all of this.

After walking for quite a long time, I started to see houses. The sweet scents of sugar were in the air, and thin grey smoke was coming out some chimneys not far from us. It seemed that the place was producing sugar. "Sweet," I muttered.