51. Sister?

"Kerberos?!" He laughed, underestimated. "Are you sure you saw it correctly? What did Kerberos do in the upper world with this child?" It seemed like the men behind him were from lower strata than him, it was so obvious he didn't believe his men.

"Because she can see the fire lily" a woman's voice interrupted.

Under the dim light, I tried to recognize her face. She looked so young, in her early thirties I supposed, and her body was very well defined. I felt that I had seen that woman, but I kind of forgot where it was. She was standing in front of me arrogantly.

"Perhaps she is the only one who can see it" she looked down upon me. "At first I just didn't believe that someone from lower class could do it. But what else was I supposed to do?" She tapped the prison door with her nails.