63. Waiting

We agreed to wait for Azam and ask where the prisoner currently lives or anything that might help us to get to know him. We will ask about the mystery pot and the origin of Xeros and Phobos. For now, I plan to run away again. The snow that fell was not as heavy as the previous days. I can run now, even though my voice hasn't returned. I'm sure I can get to that settlement again by walking, but the thing is that if I go then Azalea will definitely be angry. Even if he ran away, he'd be looking for me. 'How can I leave without Antonie's help and Azalea's unknown?'

"What are you thinking?"

'How to escape.'

Mickey laughed out loud. "That's impossible. Azalea will lock you up if you get caught. Moreover, he has given you an assignment, haven't you agreed with Antonie to wait for Azam?!" I don't like this cat. Just take my side. "Better ask her permission Well, I'm sure that way she will trust you more".