98. The Black Small boat

Night comes, when this place is dead we precipitate out taking the opportunity to escape. I'm used to sleeping only 2 hours, it seems to be able to stay up until morning. Zie asked me not to bring Mickey, the fatty protested and scratched Zie until trouble arose. Zie's blood was splattered on the floor and we had to clean it up before leaving this place. "I was assigned to look after him. I will stay with him," said Mickey final. We couldn't say no, until I had to take her.

I closed the door very slowly. The position of my new room is on the 1st floor which is mostly occupied by servants. One little mistake, of course, we will be found out. We walked a few steps from my room, with Zie in front. In an instant the doors, oil lamps and iron walls around US flew into thousands of Oryctes, replaced by lush bushes and forest trees. Slowly but surely everything completely changed, we had reached the forest that was on the border of my village.