101. You are not Small Soldiers!

The light came from a simple oil lamp. Zie whispered to me that it was a big-like creature. He led us into the forest. Strangely as far as we walked, the old house was not visible. The light of the sun has now completely disappeared, it is dark and there is only the light of the sky without the moon or stars. This condition is the actual condition of the Heron Valley that I can see.

We continued walking until I faintly heard people talking, apparently, not far in front of us was the place where one of the group of people that Azalea had placed. The light disappeared along with those who were aware of our arrival. Naar was the first to run towards us, his expression scared and confused looking at us who were in front of him.

"Why come here?" he said when he saw us both. "Go home, it's dangerous!" He asked us to go home and warned us. "Come back, ok!" I ignored it. Some of the people who were here looked at me with confused and shocked looks.