113. New Team

"But we can't count on Antonnie, he's already escaped. I was pulled out of here and joined another team to look for him. Zarina is the second option, enlisting Zarina's help for now while either trusting Antonnie or letting Phobos roam about doing the carnage. Maybe that's the reason Azalea didn't give a warning and didn't say that Zarina had left, the order was not to catch Zarina who ran away but to look for Antonnie. Zarina will be our last hope as me and the team Azalea formed look for Antonie."

Mickey was silent. I know it's hard when we have to give our trust to people who can easily betray us at any time. Zarina had such a weak reason to accept this task. He was so selfish and could have brought the mystery of the pot to himself. If it really happened, then bigger problems would await, of course. 
