121. "Spirit...!!”

Manji was waiting for me, I jumped on his back and he took me around the field. In the forest I saw something else, they were like strangers to me. Especially the armor they wore, maybe it was Miss Rea's favor. I looked back at the settlement covered by the white mist. There's something there, it seems Azalea made a change of plans, Yoru's army advanced to that far from the border forest where they were before, is he really frustas.

"Aren't you afraid?"ask Manji who brought me.

"I don't know, as long as I don't die is enough," I remembered everything. How Phobos draped that cold iron blade around my neck. How he almost killed me and everything I've been through. "I don't think I need to hide, the fact that I didn't die just by looking at it or when I was close already made me sure I could do all my tasks"