126. "All right”

There was no sign of him coming even though the sun had not yet risen, this place was filled with many people, but they were all silent. Is he really coming?

"You see something?" I'm just shaking my head. There's no nothing there. Empty, the place is empty.

"Nothing yet, " I asked one of the manjis to take me to the place to get a closer look.

"No," Naar, what was he thinking to forbid me?.

"It's too far here..." of course, I protest. I can't see what's going on there from this place.

He didn't listen, instead asking me to be quiet. I couldn't resist and chose to follow him and wait until Phobos came. Would he today really come to greet his death? Scared? of course, I was afraid, afraid that Antonnie would come back and also afraid that Gadreel would suddenly leave or not be able to carry out his duties, the worst possibilities and what I was most afraid of was the fear of myself when I saw him later.