135. "Stupid....!!!” 

It's standing there. Its height was probably 2 meters or more, and to the right and left of it, I saw Puddles. The red liquid did not come from the mixed blood, but came from the body of the creature. At the end of this place, all I saw were hiding, they looked very scared and chaotic. 

"Why are you staying away?" he said as if he knew the half-bloods. "Why are you avoiding me? What did I do wrong? Why do you hate me?" I don't understand what he said. I had thought that the blood was mixed blood, but I was wrong. A large hole gaped in his face, and from that hole, I saw a red liquid similar to blood continue to flow. His body was naked with pale white skin without a face with only a mouth. That big hole in his face was the one thing that made me sure it was Phobos.

"I'm sure it's Phobos, but why is he so different?" I looked at manji. I don't know how to tell what condition he's in right now.