142. New Team

We went out of the hut to walk quite far into the dark forest at dawn. He's near the river I stopped, this I think is quite far from where we were before. Hoping that no one would follow us after Azalea asked them to stay before we left.

I sat on the edge of a shallow river on a large rock with an Azalea beside me. Folded my knees and hugged her to get rid of the cold when the rest of the winter was still behind.

"I'll tell you a little bit who I am and what my past as a Half-Blood is like," Azalea turned to me. His expression showed he was not interested at all and as if he wanted to say that I would only waste his precious time. "I knew I was different when I was a kid. I found out when we came to Grandpa's funeral. Grandma and dad were very private about it, but while I was there I met some people who I thought were different. That's when I realized that something was really different here" Azalea was not interested. Either he listens, or maybe he doesn't.