146. Voice owner [2]

He came back, with blood on his armor and his knife. "What are you doing?" he told me to shut up and follow him. The three of us walked into the room. Right at the entrance someone was lying in the middle of the door. He was a man with all his hair bleached. Blood continued to flow from his neck with his eyes looking straight in one direction and his mouth gaping. Manji cleaned everything up and put the body in one of the rooms.

When we entered that place, it wasn't what I imagined. It is a library with several reading tables and a large globe in the corner of the room. Several storefronts are displayed on one side, displaying preserved butterflies and other insects. In one of the storefronts I saw a sword that I still recognize. It was Yon's, I know it very well because he used it when he almost killed me first. From here I'm sure that Yon is really hiding here, even though I don't know where he is right now.