Lexi busied herself with the wedding preparation and she made sure to avoid Aziz at every chance she gets.

  They hardly cross paths in the big house, having to be in charge of her mother's wedding was enough job on its own.

  She didn't want to add her attraction to Aziz to the list, admitting to herself that she was attracted to him is enough.

  "How is it coming along?” Her mother asked her, standing behind her and leaning over to look at her tablet.

  “Stressful mom, I haven't planned such a big wedding ever in my life, yours will be the first."

  “I'm so sorry dear, Balthas wants it that way.”

  “It's okay, I'm glad you are finally getting the happiness you deserve; dad will be so proud that you finally let go of him.”

  “And he would be proud of the beautiful woman his daughter had grown into.”

  “I can't believe the wedding is tomorrow,” Lexi mused. “Everything was so fast.”

  “I can't wait to go on my honeymoon,” Daphne cooed.