Aziz banged on the door for the umpteenth time but Lexi refused to open the door for him, she smiled as the sound of the door rattling filled her ears. Knowing Aziz will come after her, Lexi locked the two doors in her room and moved heavy objects behind them to keep him from barging in and taking her in an animalistic way possibly.

  The banging stopped and she frowned, she didn’t know he would give up so easily. When there was no sound of feet shuffling around her door anymore, she pushed the wardrobe away from the door and pull it open. Just as she stepped out of her room, she was suddenly pushed against the wall with Aziz pinning her arm behind her and rubbing his cock against her backside.

  Fuck Lexi! You must have thought you are the only one who could play this fucking game so well?” he leaned even closer, his cock digging into her backside.

  “Get off me, Aziz! She yelled at him but that only made him lean even closer to her.