Inside his office, Javier tapped his foot on the side of his large desk.

  I’m finally letting the cat out of the bag tonight.

  He mumbled, pushing every idea aside. He scratched his temples, a panic attack raging in his stomach.

  How would he react if he found out I was aware of the whole situation? Will it cost us even more than it has already? I was trying to forget about it. Why am I thinking about this again? He thought.

  He poured himself a glass of Don Julio 1942 and took a seat in the middle of his office. Smirking, he swirled the tequila in his glass.

  “Fuck everything,” he says. “Why should I be the one to be concerned?” he grumbled. “They treated me like a fool the whole time, and I’ve been carrying this weight for years. Why should I be the one to assume the role of a saint?”


  ~Javier’s POV~