Little sinful thong for riding solo

  ~Maya’s POV~

  I walked into the suite opposite mine, and my vision landed on a well-built husband of mine. He appeared so adorable when sleeping as if he had been greatly distressed. He was sleeping on the edge of the bed without a blanket or anything else to cover himself with. I pulled his dangling legs onto the bed and covered him. He was in a deep slumber, so I chose to sleep next to him. I kissed his lips. Fuck! Can I ever remain angry with this man? The sudden picture of that woman kissing the same lips I had just kissed flooded in. I needed to puke. I hurried into his bathroom while silently wishing that he wouldn’t be able to hear me throwing up. After I had finished taking care of my business, I went back inside, and he was still fast asleep. I neared the bed and started to look at him.

  Aaah, he suddenly looks like a monkey. Well, hormones, fucking pregnancy hormones!