Sushi platter on the table

  ~Maya’s POV~

  The redness that had spread across Lucas’ face continued to astound me. Lucas has always had a stony demeanor, just like his master. Obviously, he’s only chilly while he’s outside, but when he’s in my presence, he transforms into a large, adorable baby who is also quite lively. I opened the door to my husband’s office by giving it a little shove. I turned to look forward after shutting the door behind me, but as soon as I did, my gaze was drawn to the sight of my husband’s naked body laying on top of the table. Where it appeared to be arranged in the manner of a sushi platter that was about to be eaten. He balanced his head with one hand while caressing his shaft with the other. As he lay there on top of the table, he looked as still as a statue.

  So much for a husband. Will this man ever speak another language apart from sex?