No sound

  ~Lucas’ POV~

  I paced outside my master’s office. I know he shouldn’t know about my love life, but I am dating a girl that slapped him, and she is Lady Archer’s best friend. I finally decided to walk into his office and fuck, I forgot to knock. The Master knows me so well, and I know he knows I’ve been hiding something from him. That girl makes me feel things.

  “What?” Will he ever learn to appreciate someone? He’s always barking like a wild dog. But he acts like a kid in an ice cream shop when he’s with Lady Archer. I cleared my throat.

  “Sir... I mean, master.”

  “You know, I hate it when you call me that. Cut it and get straight to the point.“ I fixed my tie and gulped a ball of saliva. Talking to a master is not an easy thing to do. There is never an easy subject, not even the easiest one. This man is hard to approach, especially with matters like this.