Three not two

  ~Zion’s POV~

  I followed my grandmother into my bedroom, where I found my wife frantically walking up and down the room while pulling at her hair. Then, dammit, I suddenly realized that I was supposed to fuck her before she gave birth, but her water had already broken at that point. Fuck. Damn water. As I entered the room with my grandma, Maya’s gaze shifted in my direction. I’m positive that she was hurling insults at me. I took notice of how tenaciously she was yanking on her hair. I had the impression that it would be preferable if she started yanking mine rather than hers. It appears as though she is enduring a great deal of suffering. Grandma asked her to lie down. She checked on her. I decided not to bother looking.

  I mean, I can’t possibly be staring at my wife’s pussy at the same time as my grandma, right?

  I watched as my grandmother removed her gloves and asked me to carry Maya to one of the cars and escort her to the hospital.