~Zion's POV~

  I called out her name in my mind while regressing.

  “Seems like you really don’t value this girl, Zion. It took you too long to decide to fuck me.” This woman’s very presence makes my skin crawl.

  “I’m not really in the mood to chat. Do whatever it is that you want to do with me. I’m sorry, but I really don’t have time to chat with you right now.”

  “I enjoy it when you show some sass every once in a while. So, I don’t see why not. After all, I’m interested in getting my hands on your cock. Do you have any idea how it makes me feel when everyone claims you are a sex god when I have never even tasted your cock, much less kissed you? You have no idea how it makes me feel. I felt like rubbish, a failure. However, all of it is now a thing of the past. You have come to fuck me, right?” She turned her gaze onto the eight men and shrieked,