I clear my throat, “But you will have a devil of a time getting in, if that is your intention.”

  "Why?" He enquire.

  “That building isn't built on level land,”

  I explain, “It slopes down to the south and west. And so at both sides there is a good bit of the foundation showing. Since I was in charge of the gardens I planted some flowering bushes there to hide it, of course, but …,”

  His voice is impatient, “Jonas!”

  “Yes, of course," I say sheepishly, ending my digression, "What I meant to say is that the windows are quite high above the ground and also barred. They would be very difficult to climb through.”

  He offers me a crooked smile, “Where there is a will, Little Alpha, there is a way.”

  Cana half purrs, ‘The little alpha thing is kinda growing on me, I like it.’

  "Do you really believe that?” I inquire.

  "What kind of question is that?” He cocks his head, looking at me.