The high temperature

People get anxious when they're under pressure.

However, Wang Heping does not have such a feeling now. Instead, he is a very courageous person who slowly closes his eyes here, and does not realize that there is anything abnormal.

He gradually fell asleep, as if everything around him had changed quietly.

He had never been in a situation like this before, and he did not know where it was, and then he felt as if a mist had risen around him.

And just like the legend of the devil in the wall, let Wang Heping in the dream of continuous running, also did not find any way out.

Let he don't know where I am now, he looked at the environment around the feel some fear, but he also felt now seemed not in danger, didn't have any uncomfortable feeling, then he-ping wang started around constantly on the watch, hope can find a way out, with the courage of his own, It can be said that the danger has been completely invisible.

In the face of pressure, Wang Heping is really an expert. At his age, he is able to suppress his mood to the lowest point without any discomfort. It can be said that he is born a bold person, but he has not found it, that is all.

Wang Heping slowly forward looking for a way out, then saw the front seems to appear a figure, do not know who is, but Wang Heping is still walking forward.

Because Wang Heping has now found himself in a dream, which is not in a real environment.

He believed that any problem would cause him trouble in his dream, so he wanted to know who the other party was. When he saw him walking forward, the other party seemed to have found Wang Heping's idea, and did not change anything, but just stood quietly waiting for his arrival.

As Wang Heping walked faster and closer to the place, Wang Heping realized that his body shape seemed to be a woman.

Immediately let Wang Heping has reacted, if he did not guess wrong, should be the legend of the female ghost.

Do not know why he will suddenly appear, but even so, Wang Heping is nothing to fear, know that they do not do a guilty conscience is not afraid of ghost door.

When Wang Heping approached later, he found that the figure in front of him was not a real person, but just a stone statue.

This made Wang Heping feel a little strange. Then he looked at the statue carefully and thought it was very beautiful.

It is easy to imagine that it should be carved in his image, but this amazing skill has really shocked Wang Heping.

According to the general principle, even a master of high level, can not paint a 100% likeness, but this statue seems to be alive.

Standing here like let Huang Heping can not help but see stunned, he perceived this girl is very beautiful.

In particular, her eyes seemed to have a thrilling feeling, so that peace did not dare to have any unreasonable thoughts.

Just to him back a few steps, even did not realize that the environment here had already changed again, and when he slowly back to leave, suddenly found himself as if he had been in a hot cave.

If my calculations are correct, the temperature here is approaching thirty degrees.

Where was this place and how could this feeling be so strong for him really made him feel a little hard to believe, especially now that Wang Heping knew that he was only in his sleep, how could he have such power?

Now the most important thing is to find a way out, so Wang Heping now is only anxious to know that he can't wait here any longer, his only thought now is to leave here immediately, so Wang Heping now has only one idea, in fact, no matter how hard he tries.

The environment here had not changed at all, and he was anxious now, knowing that he did not know what would happen if he waited.

And this kind of temperature gives him the feeling is really very uncomfortable, so Wang Heping hopes to leave as soon as possible.

But no matter what kind of means he is, no matter how to run forward, this road seems to be endless, it is too long, let Wang Heping now in the heart is also produced a trace of contradiction.

What the hell is going on? And why this cave is so straight, there is no bend, the road at the foot is very flat, it is a little abnormal, but no matter how Wang Heping now imagine, there is no power to make him leave.

Wang Heping also felt that there was no way, and then he hurried to continue to run forward again, but when he ran for about half an hour, because of physical weakness, finally sat on the ground and felt helpless, but also revealed a helpless look on his face.

"As the saying goes, it seems that this is indeed the case."

On the cliff, he-ping wang can feel here is very hot, is really makes him a bit at a loss, but also don't know what in the world will give yourself what kind of hurt, but now he-ping wang is still maintained a very calm attitude, know I should how to do now, is he-ping wang now idea is very simple, Until he himself in the face of danger, must keep a cool head, this is always his habit.

Slowly walked forward a few steps, Wang Heping's face did not show too much discomfort, he knew that he must do his best to protect, safety and also understand that when you are in trouble, you must do your best to maintain a strong mentality, only in this way can you get out of danger.

In fact, he did not worry. The most important thing was that he had a secret idea in his mind, because he knew that people would wake up as long as they were in pain in their sleep. Therefore, Wang Heping would wake himself up if he was forced to do so, so he did not have to worry too much now.

So Wang Heping is just moving forward slowly, without any rest in this long cave. He doesn't know where it will end up. But as long as he moves forward slowly to find a solution, he will be able to escape.

With this in mind, Wang Heping walked for another hour.

Finally, he was tired and fell to the ground. He felt that the cave was really beyond his judgment, and it seemed that there was no power to let him leave. Then Wang Heping was dishearted when his body lay on the ground, and then he began to knead madly against his arm.

He hoped he could wake up from the pain, but to his surprise, Wang Heping now felt a lot of pain.

But he had no intention of coming to himself now, which was indeed more than he had expected.

Originally thought would not be subjected to such a danger, but did not think that you use such means and no way to return to normal.

"What's going on? I've worked so hard, but I can't wake up. What's going on?"

Wang Heping not only had a little doubt, but now his expression is still relatively calm. He knows that he must give everything and leave here as soon as possible no matter what happens, which is the most important thing. Therefore, no matter what happens, he has absolute courage.

Wang Heping did not believe that he would die in his sleep. He had absolutely no such idea, so he immediately began to look for a new plan. When he saw the stone wall, he even wanted to hit it with his head

He knew that only in this way could he bring himself back to life. Then Wang Heping summoned up all his strength and rushed directly toward the wall.

The head and the stone had an intimate encounter.


But did not think of such a method still did not let him wake up, but let his brain special pain.

The Wang Heping that sees gold star does not dare to believe oneself, be trapped here really by each other actually firmly.

It was so that he felt surprised and afraid, and then Wang Heping quickly stood up and held his head.

It seems that there is a day to bleed meaning, because Wang Heping did not dare to directly all the force directly bump up.

He was also worried about this thing, if he really did not have any way to survive, it really is not worth the loss, so in any case he did not want to encounter such a danger.

When I was young, I read the legend of Journey to the West and tried to kill people in my sleep, but I didn't think that I would encounter such a situation today. It was ridiculous to say that, Wang Heping sat on the ground and laughed at himself.

He even felt that the dangers he now faced were really a little overwhelming.

But the situation is still relatively not as bad as he imagined, no one has appeared, causing him harm, no demons and ghosts to cause pressure to him, can let Wang Heping live here safely, it is also to get what he wants, and Wang Heping is now also very understand.

Where are the difficulties you are facing now, so he is not happening any sound, just hope that this matter can be over as soon as possible.

Above all, he knew that Yu Tie would not sit idly by and would come out to help if he found himself in danger.

That depends on when he can appear, although do not know the final situation, will be as his heart thought

However, Wang Heping now has his own consideration, and knows how to resolve the pressure he is now facing.

So there is no sign of discomfort on his face and he knows that all he needs to do now is wait patiently.

Then Wang Heping actually sat down on the ground without moving. He felt that time would pass very quickly here. Although the cave here was extremely hot and you made yourself sweat, it was the best thing that you could survive.

It was with the passage of time that Wang Heping found that things seemed to have some abnormal, because it was found that the temperature had gradually begun to rise.

This made Wang Heping a little afraid and worried that if he continued like this, the final situation would be far beyond his expectation.

So in any case also need to find a way out as soon as possible, if the temperature rises to one hundred degrees, there is no ghost to kill him.

I'm afraid they will die of dehydration due to the heat, which is a very dangerous situation.

When Wang Heping thought of this, he suddenly found that his mouth was dry and his lips were cracked.

That proves the temperature has exceeded their imagination.