The Beginning of Chaos

A sudden pang in my chest woke me up from my slumber. A bitter sweet smell of coffee hit my nose as I raised my head from the cold hard surface it was lying on. Nothing felt different first but then slowly the reality drown in me as I failed to recognize my surroundings.

Various people were enjoying their drinks all around me. Everything was new to me. Even the interior of the café. The walls were in dark brown with black colour leaves patterned on them. On the wall facing the entrance had the name of the café written with cursive letters. All the tables and chairs were made of wood. My heart thumped hard into my ribcage each time I failed to recognize anything that fell upon my eyes.

My legs moved on its own towards the glass doors. I hissed as my hand made contact with the cold metal handle of the glass doors. Despite the panic attack I was having, I stepped out from the café believing that I'll wake up from this nightmare once I walk out through the door but I didn't. Instead I stepped into a way different place with more unfamiliar objects.

Tall buildings with their tips almost touching the sky towered around me in every direction. Everything except the time tower was unfamiliar to me. I looked at the time. 8.45 am. It was still morning. I was about to sigh in relief but stopped mid-way seeing the year and date. 2030. My knees buckled under me. Numerous questions I was unable to answer kept flooding in.

'Where am I?', 'What is this place?, 'Am I still alive?', 'How did I get here?', 'How come I'm in year 2030?', 'I was at school a minute ago. Aren't I?'...They went on. Those unanswered questions were delayed for a moment as the phone inside my jean pocket vibrated. I slipped my hand into grab it. The screen lit up as the caller ID showed as 'Spare Parts'. I grinned at the name. Spare parts huh? That's probably my annoying brother calling me to cry about the fabulous dump he got.

"Hey. What's up?" I asked casually not trying to make my annoying brother suspect anything.

"For fuck sake man! Where the hell were you? I've called you like goddamn million times! Rita has been fucking my ear off with complains that I'm an asshole of a brother who apparently doesn't give a fuck about you and blah blah blah yadda yadda yadda. By the way, aren't you coming now, you little twit? My daughter is waiting for you, and you know what a sweet little devil she could be once she loses her shit."

"Who's Rita? You are a father now?" I mentally freaked out picturing my annoying brother as a father because he's so not the lady's man. I never thought he'd end up marrying. Moreover being a father with a child.

"Are you nuts man? Rita is my goddamn wife. And yeah. I'm a mother fucking father with a devil of a daugh- what the fuck! Stop hitting me Rita! Alright! Alright! I won't utter another fucking curse again. I swear! Get here this instant you asshole."

"Not now. I have something to do." I started but I was cut off by my brother.

"I don't care a fuck about your shit. Just get your ass here." He hung up without another word annoying the shit out of me. I felt a little bit better after the call with my brother.

I switched on GPs to see where I was standing. All my hope crumbled down when it too didn't recognize my location. I opened my contacts and scrolled through it without thinking much but stopped when I came across the contact named 'Focus Redman'. Wanting the grab the last bit of hope, I pressed the green call button and placed my phone on my ear. I doubted my decision again and again as the the one on the other side took his sweet time to pick up his phone. I was about to hit the red button when he answered my call. I swallowed hard feeling the nervousness pooling inside me.

"Hello. It's Focus Redman. Who are you?" I almost dropped my phone because of the sweat forming on my palms.

"H-hello," I muttered.

"Oh hey. What's up?

"Are you really me?" I mentally face palmed at the stupid question that left from my mouth.

"I'm sorry what?" The person on the other side looked take back by my question.

"Where are you now?"

"I'm at the uni. Why asking? Who are you?" Panic dripped from his voice. I felt relieved since it's so like me to panic at every single thing.

"How can I get there?"

"Uh... Take the bus or you can walk or take the Turbo train."

"How long will it take to walk there?" I asked getting impatient by the minute.

"It depends on your location but dude! You are creeping me out right now! Who the hell are you?" I ignored his question again and looked around.

" I'm in front of the clock tower. The one in the middle of the twin buildings.." My foot tapped the pavement as the nervousness inside me grew more and more.

"Then it'll only take about ten minutes if you take the Lily lane."

" Okay then. I'll be there. Can you come to escort me at the entrance?" A chuckled followed as the reply.

"Why should I? You are very strange stranger." I sighed.

"Just come to the entrance for fuck sake. I'm not a stranger to you. Remember to bring a disguise with you. This may sound like I'm a kidnapper but kidnappers don't call their preys before hand. This is something only Focus Redman knows, 'Key to the future is the time.'." Focus Redman gasped.

"I'll come to get you right now but how can I recognize you?" Sounds of rushing footsteps came from the other side. I looked at myself from head to toe.

"Do you remember your 13 year charming self?"


"Good. Then search for someone who looks just like that. Not a single thing different."

"Seriously? but-"

"Oh by the way, don't tell anyone." I ended the conversation not waiting for a reply from Focus Redman. I scanned the name boards pointing various roads. A board with the name lily lane pointed at the road on my left. Taking a deep breath, I walked towards my last hope, hopefully my savior.