Words Full of Pity

Lucas didn't respond but I knew he was listening to me because I felt the bed dip next to me.

"Lucas,dad-" I couldn't say the rest of the sentence. Lucas pulled me into a comforting hug. His tears wet my head while mine wet his shirt. I squeezed him giving him a comforting hug as well. We didn't know how long we cried with holding each other in arms. Lucas slowly removed his arms around me and backed away. He turned away from me and wiped his face. Through the blurriness because of tears, I looked around to see darkness had already come. I too sat up wiping my own face.

"Mom must've returned back." Lucas mumbled and faced me with a smile which I knew was a forced one. A fake smile was flashed by me. " Don't cry in front of mom little guy. We need to keep strong to keep herself strong." Lucas ruffled my hair in  a loving way that he had never shown me. It was one of dad's habits to call me little guy and then ruffle my hair. Though it was Lucas who did it this time, it still brought a little comfort.  "Come on. Let's go see mom." Lucas extended his hand forward  hoping I would take it which I gladly accepted. We walked to the door with hand in hand, he squeezed my hand.

" You ready little guy?" I nodded and squeezed his hand. Lucas first took a long and deep breath and with a quick exhale of air, he opened the door wide.

Not a fraction of light was inside the whole house. Only darkness and gloom welcomed us from every direction. For a second I thought mom hasn't arrived arrived but then small cries hit my ear. Lucas tugged my hand making me look at him but I couldn't make out his face in dark.

"Let her be." I felt stupid to nod but I did, scared of breaking the silence lingering in the air. Locus dragged me across the living to the kitchen. I knew the way around the house like the back of palm. He switched on the lights blinding my eyes for a few seconds.

" Why...are we in the kitchen?" Out of all the questions that's what I chose to ask. Brother smiled rolling the sleeves of his shirt up.

" We are making dinner." That night, I found out a lot about my brother that I didn't know before and I also found out how much attention he paid on me without getting noticed by me. No one had the big appetite they used to have usually but for the sake of living enough food was consumed by the three of us. Mom uttered no word during the meal. She whispered a good night and hid herself in the mater bedroom.

The next day was gloomier than the day before. Mom was silent all the way to the cemetery. Lucas stood close to me all the time. Even when he spoke with the elders. I ignored others as much as I could not wanting to hear their words full of pity.Although both Lucas and I wanted to see dad's face for the last time, the coffin was sealed with nails.

After the funeral mom took us home not spending even a second more in the cemetery.  First I didn't understand the real reason behind our quick departure right after the funeral but growing up I understood that the reason for taking a leave quickly was because of the people who came to bid farewell to dad. I thought I was the only one who felt anger towards their pity when they clearly didn't feel the same like us but understanding mom's reasons I knew she felt more uncomfortable than any of us three. Mom took a few holidays from work to settle everything in the house and to get her emotions together to move together. She-

The dorm room door opened with a loud creak and there stood Focus. He came running towards me in high speed. I was still processing what was happening since I just got back from my memory land. He shook me like crazy.

" Stop shaking asshole. All the fucking Cells in my body might separate." Senior stopped shaking me but his hands still sat there on my shoulders.

" I got invited!" I sighed.

" Let me guess. You got invited to help the other researchers to solve dad's mystery notes." He nodded excitedly. " Good for you man. " I paused for a small time and then continued." I found something as well.  You might find this...interesting." He gave me a confused look but he still stayed silent waiting for me to speak. When I said nothing, he opened his mouth to address me.

"What is it little guy?" It took me a second to mentally prepare the answer to his question.

"I think there's something very important we need to do first before we try to find out the reason for my time travel."

"And that is?"

" Finding what happened to dad." Focus chuckled. When he noticed I wasn't laughing along with him, he understood that I was deadly serious.

"Are you sure Focus? Because you do know that even the FBI couldn't solve the mystery right?" He pressed his lips together when I nodded silently saying yes. "Alright then. I'll try to ask from Lucas too. He might know something I don't."

"Hamm..." Then a loud embarrassing  growl broke the seriousness in the air. Focus senior chuckled patting my head.

" Let's go eat something. Forget the present matter for a minute and enjoy your time in your future, my world." He spread his arms wide showing his world. I grinned.

" Why not dear cousin. Let's have a fun time while I'm here." Focus threw his arm around my shoulder.

" I'm going to you show you the beauty of 2030." We smirked at each other thinking the same thing.

"LET'S GOOOOOOOO!!!!!" We ran out from the dorm room laughing for something both of us didn't know.