Human Body Parts

I felt a sharp pain on my back in the morning.  That's what woke me up and I was furious to find out it was all senior's doing. That pig head. He was standing behind me. I'm not someone who moves around in sleep. I found that I still had that habit even when grown up. So I was facing the senior's side since we embarrassingly hugged to sleep. I groaned while peeling off the sheets from me to get down from the bed.

"What time is it?" I rubbed my eyes to get rid of the sleepiness.

" 6am."

" That early! I'll go back to sleep." Focus pushed me towards the bathroom huffing.

" Nope more sleeping. Go wash up. I have something to say." I didn't want to listen to him but I did listen and followed his order. I  cursed myself for forgetting to turn on the hot water tap instead of the cold water. The freezing cold water actually woke me up. Last night stranger came to my mind. Thinking it must be something about that stranger and also not wanting to die because of freezing, I quickly got out of the shower. I grabbed a new set of cloths from the left side of senior's closet and got dressed.

Since I might have to stay in 2030 for a few days, we went shopping to get me some necessities like cloths, books etc. Especially books. He tortured me with tutoring. He is so strict with me. Sometimes it gets in my nerves. He insisted on teaching. He said,' You are still going to school in real life but because of the time travel situation you are missing out some lessons. So I will teach you whenever I can. Just do your homework and show me. If not, no food, no WiFi, no phone, no TV.  You hear me little guy? You better do your studies well.' I was somewhat glad for giving me homework because it's so boring to stay in the house or dorm with doing nothing other than using my phone, laptop or TV.  The homework help gave me were a little harder than the ones my school teachers give me. May be it's because Focus knows how and who my future self would be.

I was about to open the door when it opened hitting my nose. I held my nose in pain. With one eye closed, I looked whether it was broken. Once I was sure my nose was fine, I glared at the one and only person who would ever do that kind of thing and not apologise.

"Shit! I'M SORRY!" I was shocked by the apology. He came into the room uninvited and quickly shut the door locking over his shoulder a few times. Although it was his room he still needed to ask me right? I'm just asking for your opinion. Anyways, senior went through his things and took a torch from the drawer of his work table. "Let me see." I closed my eyes when he pointed the light of the torch onto my face. " Dude, your nose is healing automatically."

"Huh?" I tried to take a look at my nose again.

" The tip of your nose was swollen before but now, it's all gone like your nose never got injured." I rolled my eyes at his remark.

" Don't be stupid pig head.  I don't have a super power." Focus didn't say anything else regarding my now healed nose like he said. " So why did you wake me up so early?"

" You can't come out today no matter what." He said making me more confused.

" And the reason is?"

" Lucas is is here."

" What is he doing here?" By then our conversation continued in hush hush tones.

" How am I supposed to know? He said he's just here to visit me." I paced around the room taking quiet steps.

" Doesn't he have a wife and a baby to take care of? What the hell is he doing here? Is he jobless?"

" What matters right now is how you should stay out of his sight. We don't want another one to get tangled in this mess. Especially Lucas. He already has too much on his plate. I don't want to bother him with these kinds of things." I hummed. It's true. The time loop is already in a mess. If we drag Lucas to my problems might change and the change would affect his life entirely.

Sighing, I said" Fine. I'll stay here without been seen. Just bring me something to eat. I'm hungry."

"Okay then. I'll bring you something to eat but only snacks can be brought here if we don't want to get caught."

Thankful for atleast letting me have snacks as my breakfast instead of having nothing. Focus left me alone while I weeded to myself about my miseries. He returned back with only two packets of chips and one cereal bar. All morning till 8 o'clock, I wasted my time on phone reading random articles. It was actually very educational. I found out a lot of things I didn't know before. I won't say the new things I learnt because no ordinary person would love to talk about human body parts. It's kind of disgusting but they are still important for your extinction right? It was already way past the lunch time. I kept glancing at the door hoping he would appear any second now but he didn't. I really wanted to run to the kitchen. Finally he brought a plate full of food for me in the evening. 

" Did you forget me asshole?I was starving here thanks to you."

" Sorry man. You can come out now. He went home. Actually I threw him out of the house.  He told me the reason for his quick visit was because he got into a  fight with Rita." Snickering I commented.

" probably his curses. He must've cursed in front of his daughter. ..what was her name? Diana right? " He nodded in agreement. 

" Hmm..what did you do while staying here?"

"Read some interesting articles."

" Good." Focus turned towards his closet and rummed through his cloths.

"What are you searching?"

" Cloths. I'm treating you to dinner. You still haven't tried this year speciality." I grinned satisfied with the treat I'm going to get for staying inside the room for half a day without making a noise.

"Let's go then. I also crave for steak right now."

"Okay. let's eat everything you want."