It's Sleepover time!

A little bit hope did bloom inside me when I entered my apartment but he wasn't there, sitting on the couch staring at the TV like always. I placed the document gently on my bed, took a new set of cloths from the closet and got under the shower to wash away all the dust and dirt from my body. While in the shower, I thought back about the things little guy told me regarding time travel and listed out the main points like, keeping a physical contact with little guy can make you time travel with him, dad is alive and his disappearance is related to the time machine, all of the secrets might get revealed from the document of Project Time travel. 

I took a call to Liam right after coming out from the shower.

"Dude! Where were you?"

"I went to my brothers to get dad's project files. Why?"

"Well you could've warned me! I almost got caught for using the phone in the middle of a fucking lecture!" I could only laugh as the reply. Who would've thought Liam would take calls while in lectures? This side of him was really a surprise to me. " I got my lab ID card today."

"Holly shit!Did you steal it?"

"Fuck no! The old frog gave it back to me." He huffed. I couldn't hold back my laughter hearing the nickname.

"Did you just call professor old frog? Holly cow! Never thought of hearing that from you man!"

" I'm a normal kid like you asshole. He's annoying and don't you think he looks like a frog? Every time I see his I couldn't stop comparing his faces with a frog. Sorry about that." That was more than enough to realise I've my dislike for Liam was useless.

"How did you get it from him? He was so determined to never give it back to you. So why the change of mind?"

"Don't know. He just gave it to me at the door before the lectures. He didn't say a word. It was confusing but doesn't matter. What matters is that I got it back."

"Confusing indeed. Since you got it back, will you still help me?"

"Heck yeah! What the hell are you asking? Are you backing off now? You-" I stopped him from mumbling nonsense.

"JUST LISTEN TO ME WILL YOU?" Silence. I felt oddly satisfied but didn't take too long to appreciate the satisfaction.  "I'm not cutting off the deal man. Just asking. Glad if you are still in the plan."

"Good to know because I never pictured yourself to be an asshole. Anyways, did you get your dad's project files?"

" Yes. Do you have anything to do right now?"

" You mean right now? No actually. I was thinking of grabbing a bite and go for a walk. Anything that matters?"

"If you want you can come to mine. We can read it together. I know you are one of my dad's fans. You were the one who created that site right? The site with all the projects dad handled?"

" How did you find out? I'm sure I hid my IP address perfectly."

" I'm good with computers remember?"

"Man. But since you invited me, then I won't stand in ceremony and refuse it. Expect me in 30 minutes. Need to have a shower before coming to yours. I'm hungry by the way." I chuckled.

"Alright alright. I'll order take out."

"Thanks bro. I'll come there quickly. Bye for now." Before I could say anything else, he cut me off with hanging up the call. Jackass. Now I know his true colours. Still laughing at the nickname he gave to our professor, I ordered a big take out. It arrived faster than I thought. I gave him a five star rating which the delivery man accepted while crying. Poor dude. Must've tried so hard to get a five star rating but he deserved it. I'm being serious.

That jackass Liam took an hour to arrive. I didn't know what got over me but I hit him on the head as soon as the came grumbling about his punctuality.

"Yo are we in the stable stage of friendship?" I lost my balance just by hearing that.


"What, stable friendship is the stage when friends have sleepovers." I was speechless. I who thought we would just be discussing about the project Time travel, never had a thought of having a sleepover.

"Hell no dude! I was so not talking about having a sleepover!"

"Oh no. You didn't mention a sleepover at all. But I thought since we are going to discuss about this time travel thingy, I should stay at yours. So I could help you 24/7. Besides, my sister threw me out of the house. I might not be able to go until day after tomorrow."

"Don't tell me you have nowhere to stay now. Not even relations house? And come on! You still live with your sister? Let me guess, she threw you out since you do nothing in return for all the work she does for you." His glare was the answer to my question. "Even if I feel sorry for you, I can't let you stay with me." I crossed my arms to show him that nothing could change my mind.

"Please Focus! I beg you! I could stay in a hotel if I have money but I'm penniless." And the next second, I was helping Liam to settle down on my couch. Yup. My kind heart decided to let that homeless child have a nice and peaceful sleep on my comfy couch.

"Let me tell you the rules. No sounds after I enter my room. Do NOT wonder around my apartment and do NOT touch anything. Got it?"  He nodded eagerly which convinced me that he won't follow a single rule.

" wish I have an apartment like this. How much is the rent?"

"Not much."

" Impossible. Ever thought of sharing the apartment? I can pay half the rent. What do you think?"

" No. "

" Aww come on!"

" I said no asshole. Don't test me." I huffed. His annoying side had returned. " We'll talk about dad's project while eating. I'll get the plates. Don't move."

" Ok boss." Said he with a salute.