A Fool Proof Plan

I could only watch the two apes talking in front of me until they left me alone in the prison cell with no other living soul seemed to be. Not even a fucking guard. They may think they are some tech big shots but I made the decision of letting them know their place. I'll teach them a lesson for abducting a child. A 13 years old child.

If you pictured a very gloomy prison cell, then got to say sorry because the actual prison is very luxurious.

Since its stupid of me to trying escape the moment you get thrown into a prison room, I decided to take a look aroumd my prison room.

There was an attached bathroom to my dungeon. In one side of the bathroom, there was shower cubical and a bath tub. There was a toilet and a sink in the other side. Except for those things shampoo and body lotions stood on the glass shelves near the sink. I was genuinely surprised to see a mirror in there considering what happens with mirrors in prison in our world.

Without having a choice, turned on the tap and put my pointer finger under the running liquid. It didn't hurt me like an acid. But I still didn't want to swallow an unknown liquid. So the next thing I did was putting a small droplet from that liquid on my tongue. I was relieved to recognise the familiar taste of water. I wasted no time to fill my empty stomach with water. Now one problem is solved. Next was escaping. Even if its going to be hard running with a stomach full of water but I took my chances. Like I said, sometimes my memory power really helps me. This was one time it helped.

When that ape in a lab coat entered my cell, I saw him entering the password. I'm not boasting but no normal human could clearly understand the digits he entered. Rubbing my wet hands on my dusty trousers, I got ready to enter the password. One part of my brain screamed at me saying not to do anything. But fuck it! If I don't get out now then I might get stuck in past forever.

"3491758326" with no hasty movements, I pressed each number carefully making sure to press no other unnecessary numbers.

" I'm praying for you one last time JESUS. If you are real, don't be an asshole and let me escape successfully. I'll leave you a chocolate at the church." Putting my goddamn faith completely and genuingly on JESUS, I slowly landed the tip of the pointer finger on the enter button with closed eyes. A second passed but nothing happened. Not even a siren for warning the others about a prisoner escaping. Then the door of my cell slid opened.

Because of so much happiness I almost sang aloud the theme song of Yuri on ice. I'm being serious. Thinking about it, the lyrics really matched my situation. Anyways, I quickly stepped out to my almost freedom. I made a mental note to visit the church to thank jesus once I have returned to Senior's time safe and sound and to remind me to make a shrine for my brain. I'm so grateful for my brain for remembering so many useless things.

I really felt sorry for these alien dudes. With so much technology inside this ship,they still haven't installed cameras in every corner. I walked through 5 corridors but found only 3 cameras. Before getting out of this goddamn maze like spaceship, I stopped by the control room. Yes. I know what your next question is. ' What the Fuck was he thinking when he must be escaping from that freaking spaceship filled with unknown species of aliens?' That's a good question. I stopped by to contact Focus.

Surprisingly no one was in the control room. I think they all must've gone out to get their lunch. Heck, who cares. At least I get to keep my energy with not fighting with some stupid yet who knows strong aliens. It took me some time to find the correct button. The simplicity of the control panel again confused me when comparing to the technology they've used in the spaceship.

" Hello?" I said the big screen in front of me lit up and showed as the call went through.

"Hello?" Then he again said hello like he didn't hear me first. I would never tell this to Senior's face but just hearing him say hello with his voice I felt like the whole world made sense to me. Actually Focus's voice was like a music to my ears. I swear to myself that I would never tell senior to shut up. Instead I'll ask him to talk more. I felt that happy. I wanted to scream in happiness but decided to do the victory dance later. "Focus, I'm fine. Aliens got me kidnapped. I-" And the whole screen went blank. I just stood on the same place trying to process and understand what just happened. Then out of no where the sirens rang probably to warn the other about the heroic escape of me. Finally coming back to reality, not reality but let's take it as reality. Anyways, finally coming back to reality the gears in my head turned. It didn't take too long to make a good escape plan. Again.

I knew it would be impossible for me to leave this spaceship safe and sound if I go out of this room. But if I stay here no one would be brave enough to come in and destroy the control room which controls everything inside this ship. Even the starting process and the engine. From what I've observed for this few minutes, I've come to a conclusion that they are afraid of dark. So if I make all the lights in the ship switch off and leave only one switched on which is a lot away from the control room. I would leave a count down and when the counter goes off then the lights will automatically switch on leaving me enough time to escape from them without much problem. For now the plan was fool proof. But nothing is impossible. I stretched my arms to get ready to start my plan.

"Here goes nothing." Said I hoping from the bottom of my heart to get out from this hell hole without a single scratch.