Chihuahua and the Royal Horse

"Naomi West," Jennie blurted out in disbelief. Naomi was one of the young top-tier actress in the country, she was the abstract of beauty and success but what kind of a man could reject someone like her?

"Move midget !" Naomi spoke through clenched teeth and pushed Jennie out of her way like a mad bull.

Losing her balance by the sudden push Jennie fell to the ground like a bowling pin.

"You deserve it !" Jennie shouted in anger from the ground, while glaring at Naomi's disappearing figure. Pushing and taking out your anger on someone else was unacceptable.

"I would advise you to stay away from light next time when eavesdropping." resounded the deep and calm voice of the man, there was no malice in the tone, just a little bit of amusement.

"Advice noted. It is always best to learn from experienced people." Jennie instantly replied without even looking at the man, her eyes were still in the direction Naomi had went.

Jennie was expecting a reply but what she received were silence and an outstretched arm.

For once someone was acting normal in this school she thought and lifted her head to look at the man.

As her eyes met all her anger turned into smoke and her mind went blank.

The man beside her was extremely not just good-looking he looked magical. In her life she had never seen someone look so handsome. Television celebrities looked pale in font of such divine beauty, and now it made complete sense how could someone reject Naomi Moore. His pitch black hair was perfectly swept back away from his face, his jawline was strong and perfectly defined. It looked like after seven billion failures, the master crafter had finally succeeded to embody perfection.

"Heavenly !" Jennie muttered under her breath and instantly bit her tongue. The man just ignored her comment.

'Breath...breath....' Jennie reminded herself.

And after gathering her senses or whatever was left of it she held his hands and helped herself to get up. His grip was firm but gentle and his touch cold.

"Thank you..." Jennie spoke once she was up and the man simply nodded. The mysterious person in front of her was not a very chatty one she guessed, but even a simple head shake made Jennie's heart flutter.

The man with his daunting blue ocean-like eyes scanned her up and down. "You hurt ?" he asked.

"No" Jennie replied. Seeing his eyes move up and down over her, she felt a bit unsettled. She wished she was a couple of inches taller than five feet two. Standing beside the man who was almost six feet Jennie felt like a chihuahua beside a royal horse.

The man then walked a few steps right to her where she had dropped her id card. Jennie looked at him with her dreamy eyes as he bent to pick up her id. A thin streak of his hair came down in front of his face making him a notch hotter. It was as if some invisible force was constantly working up on him to make him look beyond perfection.

"Jennifer Ashwood" he looked at her id stepping close and spoke looking straight into Jennie's eyes. "You did not see anything here and you would not be telling anyone about the incident." up this close his eyes looked like a bottomless ocean.

With the sudden closeness, Jennie's face reddened she was not used to men staring right into her eyes, and in this case such a handsome man. "Yes..yes definitely..... I would tell myself sometimes... but....but don't worry I won't believe it." Jennie blurted out.

She hated herself for acting this way, no person ever has made her feel this way, she felt absolutely powerless, it was as if she was plain liquid in this man's presence.

The man's indifferent expression turned into that of a shock for a second but then his lips slightly raised into a half smile.

Jennie was immediately sucked into this delightful beautiful view.

Screw this world, screw all the people, let me just watch you smile like this forever. This alley could be our new home. Was all she wanted to scream.

"New admission ?" he asked.

"Yes. Junior year..." Jennie foolishly nodded with a smile, her eyes still fixated on his lips hoping to catch him smile again.

"Aren't you late for roll calls ?" he spoke standing next to Jennie and handing the id.

"Yes..Yes.." she just nodded, staring at him.

"Hu- Time ! Roll Call ?!"Jennie came to a realization and took out her phone to check the time. "Shoot !" it was already ten minutes past eight. Her phone was on vibration setting so she had completely missed 3 calls from Kyle and a couple of messages from an unknown number that had a lot of angry emojis which Jennie guessed was from Shanaya.

She immediately set the settings to ring, swearing the phone would always stay ringing from now.

"I got to go" Jennie spoke in urgency and started rushing after shamelessly taking one last glance at the man's gorgeous face, who just looked back deep in some thoughts of his own.

She had not even taken five steps when she stopped. She had completely forgotten to ask for the mysterious man's name.

She turned around to ask, but he was gone.

'Did he turn into mist or was he just my imagination ?' Jennie thought scratching her head. She looked around trying to spot him when her phone rang.

Pushing every thought aside, she made a mad rush toward the dormitory and then straight towards the warden's office.

Once there. Jennie took a few seconds to catch her breath before ringing the bell outside the warden's office. Miss Adria the warden opened the door. She was a short woman in her late fifties with a mole on her chin. What stood out in her personality was her shrill voice.

"You must be Jennifer Ashwood?" the warden asked in her sharp voice.

Jennie nodded.

And before she could apologize or give an explanation Miss Adria spoke again with an evil grin of amusement "Breaking rules on the very first day. Follow me !" she ordered, and then walked inside.

Jennie trailed behind her as ordered.

Miss Adria walked across her cabin and entered a room. The signboard on the door said (Detention room).

Jennie sighed things were not looking very good, she peeped inside the room and saw two girls sitting at the front. In the corner of the room, she noticed a familiar face and instantly cursed her luck.