Your place or My Place ?

"You bitch !" the boy roared and was ready to pounce on Jennie when a lady teacher arrived.

"You smoking in the ladies restroom Malcom ?!" her voice boomed in the enclosed space of the restroom.

Malcom quickly dropped his raised hand, but his daggering eyes were still on Jennie.

Jennie returned the glare. She was no chicken even though under the intimidating gaze of the piercing guy she felt like one, but she did not let fear show on her face.

One thing Jennie had learned after being constantly bullied in her previous school was first you must evade bullies the best you could but once you face them don't show any sign of weakness. Bullies feed on fear and hesitation.

"Straight to Mr. Frost's office Malcom." the teacher spoke with an arched eyebrow.

"I will find you." he spoke with a furious look and Jennie felt creep down her spine.

"Malcom !" the teacher spoke out loud almost shouting, and this time Douglas left without any further protest.

"You come here." once Malcom had left the teacher gestured Jennie to come close and smelled her breath to be sure she wasn't smoking too.

Once sure she dismissed her.

Later that evening Jennie came across the news of the whole restroom incident from Jule. Who told her Malcom was a code 'yellow' who was in his senior year. He had been grounded for a couple of days as punishment along with ten hours of community work for the next week.

Jennie prayed she did not have to cross paths with the piercing guy ever, or until he has forgotten about her existence.

The following day Jennie entered her evening class, it was 'Business pitching and debate', the course was added newly to the program this year, and was taught by Ms. Olivia Drew whom Jule had appreciated a lot.

On entering the class the first person that caught Jennie's eye was Killian. He was seated at the further corner of the room, his head casually resting on one of his palms while the other hand was on his desk beside the book he was reading. He really looked breathtaking.

Jennie was still looking at him when Ms. Drew entered the class "Settle down everyone." Ms. Drew spoke in a cheerful voice as she entered the classroom. Ms. Drew was a woman in her mid-thirties, her smile as bright as her voice.

Jennie quickly took a vacant seat near her and got ready with her notebook.

Once the whole class had settled Ms. Drew started with her lecture.

Jennie carefully noted down all the important theories Ms. Drew spoke about. The lecture seemed quite interesting to Jennie, the way Ms. Drew taught was quite lively and unlike other professors, she included these little experiences and stories that gripped the student's attention.

"Okay, everyone enough of these theories." Ms. Drew spoke pushing aside the thick book she was teaching from "Let's do some practical exercise." she spoke and then pointed out to one of the student "Jonathan, suggest some topic. Any topic would be fine."

The boy after thinking for a couple of seconds spoke with a slight giggle "....Smoking."

"Smart boy ! You chose the topic you have deep knowledge about." Ms. Drew Joked light-heartedly.

"Okay we have the topic. Now one by one stand up and express your opinion on the topic 'for' or 'against' in a single line. Be serious about it everyone." she pointed at the girl who was sitting in the front seat "Let's start from Ms. April."

"Smoking drains not only your energy and life but also robs you of your money," the girl spoke.

"It is a useless activity that not only kills you but the people around you..."

"Smoking should be banned..."

"It's not worth....."

When it was Jennie's turn she took a deep breath and stood up "It is not a matter if smoking is right or wrong. It is just plain stupidity."

Ms. Drew gave Jennie a slight smile, and the activity continued as Students one after another voiced their opinion. Almost every one of them was against the motion.

Once everyone had their chance Ms. Drew looked at the corner most seat, it was Killian's turn. He calmly got up and was ready to speak when Ms. Drew spoke first "It has gotten so boring, everyone is talking against the motion. Killian, I want you to speak a few sentences in favor of the motion,...." After taking a short pause and thinking for a while she added "....Don't talk about boring tax benefits or stupid chemicals in the brain. Talk about something unexpected."

Killian nodded and after thinking for a few seconds spoke in his calm demeanor "Many of the students spoke how there is nothing good that comes with smoking. But when we look at the actual act of smoking, it is very healthy and peaceful process." he took a dramatic pause of a second or two before continuing "You leave a stressful environment, go outside for five minutes leaving behind your stressful life, and take deep breaths." he concluded.

Jennie gave slow claps in her mind to Killian as he concluded. He might be called arrogant and a bad boy but you have to respect his presence of mind and intelligence.

"Poetic and Philosophical. You never cease to amaze me." Ms. Drew spoke with a smile. Soon the bell rang and the lecture came to an end.

"Everyone before you go. I want to remind you about the assignment you all have to submit tomorrow," Ms. Drew spoke

Jennie was unaware of the whole assignment so she gingerly walked toward Ms. Drew who was waiting for the students to empty the classroom.

"Ma'am" Jennie spoke "I am Jennifer Ashwood and I just recently joined the college and was not aware of the assignment. Could you please extend the submission dates for me." she requested hoping she would not get an earful from the teacher.

"Oh....I was wondering how come I have never seen you before. How many days extension do you need Jennifer?" came a polite reply. Jennie was really thankful for a positive response.

"A week would be enough..I think..." Jennie replied hesitantly.

"Do you know what the assignment is about ?" Ms. Drew questioned, noticing the hesitation in Jennie's voice.

With pursed lips, Jennie shook her head.

"Oh, dear." Ms. Drew looked around searching for a student who could help Jennie when her eyes fell on Killian "Killian come here for a second."

Jennie held her breath as Killian walked up to them and stood just beside her. She could smell his exquisite cologne from this close distance. Hesitantly she took a small step to a side not wanting Killian to notice the slight tremble on her legs.

"Killian I want you to help Jennifer with the assignment she had missed due to late admission." Ms. Drew spoke. She was sure Killian would deny the proposal of helping another student as usual, but a simple nod from Killian him took her off guard.

"What seriously ?!" Ms. Drew spoke surprised as if she had just witnessed something out of the ordinary. In the past whenever she had tried pairing Killian up with other students he had plainly rejected it. Just like other professors, she had tried forcing him to yield using her authority but Killian had simply absented himself from such classes.

It was well known even among professors that Killian would rather face detention rather than involve himself with other students.

"I am asking you to help Ms. Ashwood here with an assignment ?" Ms. Drew asked again for reassurance.

"Yes, I'll help her." Killian spoke nonchalantly.

A smile instantly boomed upon Ms. Drew's face at Killian's answer. Ms. Drew had never imagined she would see Killian helping another student with an assignment.

"But In return, I will skip on the class trip this semester." Killian added further.

"Yes, yes fine. I know you would not attend it nevertheless. I am so proud of you Killian...."

Killian ignored Ms. Drew who was still busy blabbering. Killian knew she had a good heart and had good intentions for him unlike other professors and students, but she talked a lot.

Killian then looked at Jennie who was still staring at her feet completely spaced out.

Jennie did not know why her body acted the way it did, but she felt too nervous around Killian. She was so nervous that she had not even followed what the two were talking about till then.

"Jennifer" Killian spoke.

Jennie quickly raised her head, hearing him call her name "..Yes..Yess.." she blurted out.

"Where you want to do it. Your place? My place ? or th-." Killian was mid-sentence when Jule almost shouted.

"WHAT ?!" she almost jumped hearing Killian. With a blush, she looked from Killian's face to Ms. Drew's. She had heard he was a delinquent but blatantly speaking such lewdness and that too in front of a teacher was unimaginable.

"-or the library" Killian completed his sentence and Ms. Drew burst out laughing.

"Assignment...he..mean assignment Jennifer," Ms. Drew spoke through her fit of laughter "I miss being a college student so much."

Jennie turned bead red with embarrassement. She felt like just disappearing from here "Libr- Library is fine." she replied timidly, facing the floor.

Killian nodded, "Tomorrow then. Is six in the evening fine ?"

Jennie nodded in agreement, her head still low.

"Shouldn't you both exchange numbers or something? I mean we used to in our times." Ms. Drew spoke with pursed lips. But Killian was already on his way out.

"This boy " Ms. Drew sighed as she saw Killian leave.

"Now you are in good hands." Ms. Drew spoke, and Jennie did not know if she had to thank Ms. Drew or curse her for pairing her with Killian.

Jennie nodded and after thanking her left.