| The Confrontation

Jack's skin was squirming like there were bugs beneath it, driving him out of his mind. He needed some proper answers.

Ava. Surely she would help him?

He stretched out with his senses and realized the shower had stopped running. Ava must've got back inside the house undetected, or he'd have heard the fuss - right? He stumbled out of his room and down the corridor to the landing and raised his fist to knock on her door.

'Hey, Jack.'

He spun around. Wes was perched halfway up the stairs. In the glare of the landing light, his red hair seemed brighter than ever and emphasized his pale complexion. He looked sick and sweaty but there was the ghost of a smile on his face as he looked up at Jack, grey eyes gleaming. 'So ... wanna hang out?'

Jack stared down at him. 'What have you done to me?'

Wes's smile grew broader.

'You all ... You all said I'd been here a week.' Jack gritted his teeth. 'It's been a month.'

Wesley sniggered. 'Well, time flies when you're having fun.' He turned and walked down the stairs.

'Wait.' Jack started after him, almost losing his balance. His head was buzzing, the itch inside making him madder, but he kept going down the stairs. He had to stay angry. Anger would give him focus. 'I'm not through with you, Wesley,' he snarled.

At this, Wesley turned around, eyebrows raised, amused. 'Is that right?'

Jack took a step closer. 'What have you done to me?'

'You're the big tough guy now, right?' Wesley shook his head. 'I think you know what we've done to you.'

'I think you and your whole family are crazy ... delusional. You all get off on thinking you're something you're not, and for some sick reason you've kidnapped me to make me think I'm like that too.'

'Like what, Jack?' Wesley cupped a hand to his ear, making out he was deaf. 'I wanna hear you say the word.'

'You think you're ... ' Jack frowned. 'You think you're wolf people or something.'

'Wolf people?' Wesley spluttered with laughter, then slicked back his ginger spikes with both hands. 'I think the term you're looking for is werewolves?'

'You think this is funny?' Jack snapped. He marched up to Wesley and shoved him with both hands, knocking him to the floor. 'Think this is some big joke?'

'Hey, I'm just happy for you, man,' said Wesley, getting up. 'You're one of us, now. You were a tough turn, but we got you.' He smirked, and a flash of yellow seemed to glow through his eyes. 'Welcome to the family.'

'What the hell are you talking about?' Jack demanded.

Wesley pointed to his neck. 'You were bitten, man. On the riverbank.'

Jack closed his eyes, remembering. Two narrowed yellow eyes, glinting, low down in the shadows. 'But it was barely getting dark then,' he argued desperately. 'Werewolves only change at night, when it's a full moon.'

'Sure, Jack.' Wesley's voice dripped with sarcasm. 'And guess what, there is a Santa Claus.' He laughed. 'Full moon's a big draw, true. But if you're sharp you can bring on the change whenever.'

Jack tried to shake his throbbing head like he didn't believe it. 'You believe this crap, don't you?'

Wesley ignored him. 'We mostly bite to kill. For the buzz, you know? Mom had her eye on you from the minute she saw you in the woods, playing happy campers with your folks. But Dad didn't trust her not to eat you all up instead of just giving you the bite.'

Jack screwed up his eyes. This isn't real, isn't real.

'But you put up a fight. Regular silver blood.'

'Silverblood?' Jack echoed.

'You wouldn't turn. Wouldn't give in to the infection. Your body kept resisting. We had to work you over with Mom's potions and shit, keep you here till the moon was full again. And now ... ' Wesley smirked again. 'Gotcha.'

Jack took a step back. 'You've lost it, Wesley,' he said, wishing he could believe it. 'You've lost it, big time.'

Wesley shook his head. 'Uh uh ... You've lost half your human side,' he said softly, grey eyes gleaming. 'You're lupine now. Half wolf.'

'No. This isn't real.' Jack stared around wildly, half-hoping for hidden cameras to come into the open, for some smart-ass TV host to appear from nowhere and have a good laugh at his expense. 'This is bullshit, all of it.'

'No,' snapped Wesley. He wasn't laughing now as he threw himself at Tom, grabbed hold of his neck, and tried to wrestle him to the floorboards. 'No, you're the one full of bullshit. What's your problem? We don't make a habit of bestowing a wolf side on soft meat like you - it's an honor!'

Jack tried to fight him off. 'Screw you and your sick stupid honor.'

But Wesley pinned Jack's arms behind his head with one hand, kept his grip on Jack's neck with the other, and leaned in close. 'Wave bye-bye to your old life, Jackie. You've lost a family but gained a pack.' He sniggered. 'See, Mom's decided you're "the one" for Ava. That little snack party earlier this evening?' Wesley squeezed Jack by the throat. 'That was matchmaking.'

'What? But why?' Jack gasped, lying still, conserving his strength.

'Ava's pureblood female.' Wesley shrugged like this explained everything. 'She won't turn 'wolf till she mates with a 'wolf. And for the sake of the Dane family name, Mom wants her to be one of us - very badly.'

Jack bucked his body like a thousand volts had been put through him. Twisting as he did so, he managed to throw Wesley clear. Then he got to his feet and backed away towards the kitchen. 'I'm having no part in this,' he said hoarsely.

'No way out, Jackie-boy,' sneered Wesley, raising himself. 'You've been chosen. Hell, even Ava's said yes. To save you winding up like poor sweet Mark.'

Jack rubbed his bruised neck. 'You killed him?'

'Mom did.' Wesley grinned. 'He was a real sport.'

'Murderers,' Jack couldn't help but breathe, his voice raged.

'You'll understand. When the change comes.'

'It's never going to come.' But Jack's fingers rasped against inflamed skin near his jawbone. Jack's heartbeat increased and he tried to hide his fear. If Wes was right, then he was so so damned!