| [Bonus chapter] The Smell Of Guilt

"Wake up, Jack. Quick."

Jack stirred to find Ava crouched over him. Her hair was tangled and messed up. Her eyes, red and puffy, blazed at him urgently.

"What is it?" he snapped, a jolt of panic charging through him. How long had he slept again? he thought as he looked around the room.

"There are people, outside," Ava whispered as she grabbed his arm and pulled him up from the couch. Jack rubbed his eyes and stumbled over to the window. The sky was caressed with the last traces of sunset and four dark figures in masks, holding blazing torches, were on the green fields below, gradually closing in on the farmhouse.

"Jedi?" Ava yelled, turning from the window. "Jedi!"

Jack frowned as he whispered. "He's not back yet?"

"I thought –" Ava drew in a sharp breath. "I thought I heard the front door open."

Together they slinked to the darkened kitchen and peered inside.

"Hey." Jedi's voice sounded softly out of the gloom, making them jump.

'Why are you hiding out here?' Jack asked sharply.

Ava asked no questions, just gripped Jedi by the arms. 'People are coming here, for us. We've got to get out, and you've got to come with us.'

'Me?' said Jedi softly.

"You don't understand, they – they could kill you," Ava said, her body trembling with every breath. "Look."

She led him over to the window. The shadowy figures were getting closer. They were wearing dime store fright masks – Spook, Pumpkin Head, Frankenstein's Monster … the trick-or-treaters from hell. They paused to plant their flaming torches in the ground, then kept on coming.

'"Damned right I don't understand," Jedi muttered hoarsely. 'All right. Down the hallway. We'll cut out through the front room window.'

Ava nodded. 'Into the copse?'

"That's right. We can lose them there.' Jedi stiffened. 'But I've got to grab something first. C'mon, this way.'

He led them quickly along the passage and signaled them to stay put while he dashed upstairs, a shadow vanishing into blackness.

Jack was grateful for Ava's presence beside him as the taut seconds ticked by, their earlier row forgotten.

'How did they find us so fast?' Jack muttered.

'I told you,' Ava rasped. 'They're everywhere.'

Jedi came slowly back down the stairs like he was afraid he might fall. His hands were hidden behind his back.

'Come on,' Ava urged him.

'See this?' Something long and silky snaked out from Jedi's balled-up fist. 'You don't have that scarf I gave you. It's right here.'

Ava stared at him, baffled. 'Okay, I'm sorry, I guess I lost it. Now, can we—?'

'I found it, see,' Jedi said softly. 'Lying by Mom's body. Soaked in her blood.'

Ava took a couple of faltering steps back as if Jedi had just slapped her face. 'What?'

Jack slipped a protective arm around her. 'You can't believe Ava had anything to do with that.'

"What the hell should I believe?' Jedi yelled. 'Mom was opened up like a fish for gutting. No wild animal did that to her, whatever the cops said.' His voice quietened a little. 'Your scarf was next to her. You feel like explaining that?'

'I had nothing to do with your mom's death, Jedi,' Ava muttered, her voice low and shaky. 'You must believe that. And you must believe that we have to get out of here before those things outside—'

Jack heard the kitchen door being kicked open. He grabbed hold of Jedi. 'We have to go. Now.'

Jedi punched him full in the face.

Ava gave a short shriek as Jack smashed back into the wall and slid down it, dazed.

The masked figures were charging down the passage toward them. Stunned, Jack attempted to rise, and Ava tried pulling him up by his arm, but it was too late. She was yanked away from his side by one of the intruders, and a second later he too was hauled to his feet.

"Who the hell is this little creep?' came a gruff voice behind him.

"She's with him now,' Jedi explained. 'Says they're in trouble. Someone's coming after them.'

"Is that a fact?' the man said. 'Well, whoever's chasing them will just have to wait in line.'

Ava seemed to recognize the other guy's voice. 'Reed? Reed, is that you?'

"Got a good memory, don't you, Avy? Well, that's good. 'Cause so do we.'

Jack watched in a daze as the man pulled off his fright mask. He looked clean-cut and broad with a buzz-cut, getting on for thirty. 'Yeah, it's me, Jedi's big brother.'

"Jeez, this is like an episode of Runway Train. You'd have gotten away with it if it hadn't been for us meddling kids,' Jack mumbled, fighting to focus through the thick band of pain behind his eyes. 'So are the rest of you gonna take off your masks? I'm guessing it's the janitor, the butler – '

"They don't want to be identified, son,' said Reed with a cold smile. 'In case things get a little out of hand." Why does everyone keep calling him a son? Jack thought, irritated.

Just then, Reed swung back round to face Ava, who was struggling in the grip of two heavies. 'The police wrote off Mom's death as a wild animal attack. They weren't interested in answering any of my questions. Like why your family moved away so damned fast. Like why all the disappearances and killings in these parts stopped after you'd gone.'

'I didn't kill your father!' Ava cried, her breath coming in fast pumps.

'"But you were involved, weren't you?" Reed hissed. 'Or else why was your scarf found next to him?'

'I didn't tell anyone I'd found it,' said Jedi quietly. 'Didn't tell anyone, till after the inquiry.'

'You were a damn fool,' spat Reed. 'The cops didn't want to know then.' He pressed his face up to Ava's. 'I can smell it on you. Guilt.' He laughed. 'Well, I know all about guilt, Avy. Guilt is feeling like we all let Mom down by settling for that bullshit animal story instead of getting hold of the truth. Guilt is watching my da going out of his mind with grief and knowing I can't do a damned thing to help.' He grabbed Ava by her chin. 'But now we've gotten hold of you, mystery girl, I reckon the truth's not far behind.'

'What are we going to do?' Jedi asked his brother, his voice was grim.

Reed sniggered. 'Take them outside and I'll show you.'