| A Pack Of Awakening Wolves

'That's got to be the lamest apology I ever heard.' Ava gave Jack a faint smile, then nodded toward the moon. 'But I guess it is your time of the month, huh?'

Jack shot her a dark look. 'You don't want to make jokes like that when I'm feeling like this.' But Jack was grinning at him, and he found himself smiling back. 'Come on, sick girl. Found any hostels?'

'I have a better idea,' she told him. 'Scratch that: I have a cheaper idea.'

'Which is?'

'We're right by Central Park. We could camp out there for the night.'

'Just you, me, and fifty muggers. Nice idea.'

Ava shrugged. 'We could bed down in some bushes. It's only a few hours till dawn. Then we can get up and start the search.'

'If we haven't frozen to death first,' Jack grumbled.

'Well, let's hear your great idea.'

Jack sighed and swallowed hard. 'I guess if we lay close together it might not be so cold.'