| The Hunt Is On


Jack tore his head away from Jane, tugging through the fabric of her seat belt as he did. It snapped, and she fell half on top of him. She recoiled, pushing against him, kicking him, as she struggled to get clear.

'It's okay, Jane!' Rolland shouted to her above the din. 'It's okay, It's still Jack!'

Jane froze and stared into Jack's eyes. Her own were streaming from the smoke and the terror, but she didn't blink or break contact. Then slowly, trying not to shake, she nodded.

Rolland had wriggled free of his belt and was staring at Jack in wonder. Past him, through the rear windshield, Jack saw the Porsche wolves dragging Woody's metal carry-case off the car. Rage flared in his belly, his eyes narrowed at the thought of all they had done.